Initially, I had the idea to draw some kind of The Illuminate Ball / Eyes Wide Shut theme Artwork. But my pencil led me to a much more interesting place.

Initial impression? It will be great!
I skip to show you Step 2, since I just barely draw the wings of Satan, the devil himself, on June 1.

Good start! I think it will be an easy one!

I only had a couple hours to color The King, The Pope, The President (POTUS), and The Banker faces.
Creating skin tones with colored pencils can be tricky. 🤔
This Artwork will take more time to complete than I thought. Anyway, it’s not a spring. What’s matter is to do a great job. Not to complete it as fast as possible. It’s not a chore, it’s Art!

Next step, Satan the devil himself and the background.

I don’t like the yellow background.