Artwork in Progress – Dieu du Vice (April 12, 2021)
Artwork in Progress – Saint Calice Dieu du Vice step 2 (April 13, 2021)
Artwork in Progress – Saint Calice Dieu du Vice step 3 (April 14, 2021) It begins to take form and grows interestingly.
Artwork in Progress – Saint Calice Dieu du Vice step 4 (April 15, 2021)
Artwork in Progress – Saint Calice Dieu du Vice step 5 (April 16, 2021) Details. Details. Details. I love adding details! This Artwork was very challenging since I draw without reference things that I’ve never drawn before. But now I’m on the right way. I just have to think about what will fill the rest of Saint Calice’s Palace.
Artwork in Progress – Saint Calice Dieu du Vice step 6. (April 17, 2021) Last step before coloring tomorrow. I’m pretty proud of my Artwork.
Artwork in Progress – Saint Calice Dieu du Vice. coloring part 1. After about 5 hours of coloring (April 18, 2021)
Artwork in Progress – Saint Calice Dieu du Vice. coloring part 2. (April 19, 2021) Several more hours into this Artwork today. This ain’t no digital crap, colored pencils Artworks take time. Color selection also take time. I’m not sure about the color of the carpet, which can be tricky.